Verge Restoration

Thanks to Lucy Electric the Verge Restoration project has started. Howland Road planting was the first – where will the second be ?

Around Thame’s ring road there are areas of grass which could sustain trees and hedging thereby providing carbon capture and an increase in habitat for the local bio-diversity.

The project work is complicated by several different authorities being involved. 

We believe that there has been research at Thame Town Council on the issues and the need to balance biodiversity, pathways and sight lines for roads.

Wild Oxfordshire Nature Recovery Network

The overarching ambition of DEFRA’s 25 Year Environment Plan is to ‘leave our environment in a better state than we found it and to pass on to the next generation a natural environment protected and enhanced for the future’. The plan highlights six key areas for action, one being to establish a Nature Recovery Network. This will protect and restore wildlife, as well as providing greater public enjoyment of the countryside; increased carbon capture; and improvements in water quality and flood management.

This image is how a Nature Recovery Network is developed – read more on the Wild Oxfordshire website.

Howland Road

Last year there was great success in the planting of 17 trees on Howland Road on the verges both sides of the ring road opposite Lucy Electric UK Ltd.  This was a collaboration between Thame Green Living, Thame Trees (part of 21st Century Thame), Thame Town Council and Lucy Electric UK Ltd, whose generous donation also paid for the trees.

Local residents were informed of the plans prior to planting and generally offered lots of positive engagement about the project.

What we can do ?

  • Establish a team
  • Discuss with Thame Town Council areas of possible planting
  • Find a sponsor or apply for grant funding for trees