Clean Air for Thame Schools Project Launch

To mark Clean Air Day on 17th June Thame Green Living has teamed up with the Cleaner Air Sooner school air quality programme, for the beginning of the Clean Air for Thame Schools project. This project will involve pupils, teachers and parents delivering pupil-led projects and adopting small changes that will make a big difference and help the children to breathe ‘Cleaner Air Sooner’.

Across Thame schools this week, pupils are learning about the causes of and the solutions to air pollution.

We want everyone in the school communities involved. Here is what you can do now:

  • Our first challenge is to encourage as many pupils as possible to walk, scoot or cycle to school 1 more day a week than usual, until the end of term. If they are always taken by car, can they walk once a week? If they already cycle a bit, can they do more?

We will have more clean air challenges and activities next academic year so watch this space…
